India is a country with diverse population. A country where over 100 languages are widely spoken consisting of different group. According to 2011 census, the literacy rate is 72.98% which ranks above Bangladesh and Nepal. Nevertheless Indians are inclined towards the old colonial system of education and least progression could be observed from the past 70 years. Besides being the fastest growing population rate, Indian youths can be traced in every field. However, majority of population in India favours marks more than skill development.

Traditionally education meant ritual and cultural knowledge and that too was prevalent only among high caste groups-the Brahims . Female education was almost negligible. People prefer environmental studies ,sitting under the sheds of tree and glorifying its beauty. Earlier there were no concrete buildings with well furnished infrastructure, nature was the only companion for studies. This phenomenon drastically changed after colonisation and is still prevalent. Number of missionary institutions were established by English men to spread their religion. Over the period of time different implementations took place by the colonial government in order to revive Indian education system. Finally in 1854 a charter was issued by Charles wood, providing a definite structural base. This has laid the foundation of the present system of education in India. Even after independence ,our forefather stretched widely upon the importance of education. Following this different programs and policies have been enacted for the development of our system but are these changes have created any impact on skill development?

In India grades are consider to be the most appropriate version of judging anyone. Indian parents are more worried about their child’s grade and least care about skill development. One cannot condemn any individual for this stubborn regime, It is the society comprising we people who appreciate this system of learning. Indian education system is like engulfing prepackaged food and vomit it on answer sheet. There is a stereotype prevalent in society that compares one child to other in order to gain the superiority. A man from cradle to death is stick to one goal that is to earn money and live a peaceful life, there are few who can see the beauty of life through creative and progressive mindset. In India all board exams are stick to a prescribed book where every year almost similar pattern of questions come and the exam process follow stick read and learn regime.This led to least interaction and speaking ability among children since they have always been taught to follow an obstinate system.In spite of this, academic development of child is almost unpercieved and this become one of the reason behind only 35 olympic medals won by India. Marks scored can perhaps help in career advancement opportunities but in the day after one’s caliber retain more importance. Indian parents never lose any run to boast their child’s performance and always anticipate for the best. The most astonishing thing is taking the example of millionaires who became highly commendable figure despite of their struggles in the classroom. For instance Steve Job, Charles Dickens, Walt Disney, Kailash Katkar and the lists never stop. Since majority of Indian jobs are owned by the recruiting company which judges on the basis of marks obtained , parents put grade at the highest pedestal. Least interaction of children with their parents also barred the flow of understanding and very few parents are there to acknowledge their child’s inner talent .Those English men have improved their education system and ours are still remain the same .After 1991, Indian government put more importance on globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation and no light on reviving old regime. Although in 1986 Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had taken this issue under consideration, though the quality of education was seen as a problem and thus several initiatives were more in need to counter the problem and this continues. Until this time almost negligible affect can be witnessed on the rejuvenation of our education system. Revitalisation of our system will probably create some difference in perception of parents and they would notice their child’s attention in extra curriculum more.


We need to understand the value of assertive study. According to Mahatma Gandhi education is not confined to books and papers besides he gave more importance to art and sports. For Gandhi education is attained only through morality and ethics.Nowadays even literate and civilised men are involved in malpractices because there is a least implication of their study, therefore it is very important for us to make our child aware of assertive studies which is based on their practical knowledge.

That’s right. Even Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla.Inc ) said that : “It is easier to land on Moon” . Than changing education system.. Many tech giants no longer hire on basis of grades as skills truly reflect the hardwork and dedication…
This article deserves more attention..✌🏼